How to Choose the Next Startup Idea: 10 things to consider

How to Choose the Next Startup Idea: 10 things to consider

Do you intend to launch your own company? Uncertain about the path that lies ahead? Now, let’s discuss the key considerations that should be made while starting a business.

Building a solid company that can survive difficult times is even more important in light of the state of inflation and the rising expense of living in today’s society.

There are a few key factors to note in order to set up your new business that may help you reduce or eliminate risks and challenges that you will encounter along the way and the good news is that Incorpuk can help you with some of them. Here are 10 things to take into consideration when setting up your new business.

1. Do you have a great idea?

A successful company idea helps you differentiate yourself from the competition, draw clients, and spur growth. It’s similar to having a strong foundation for your entrepreneurial endeavours. It is also the impetus behind how your business plan is created and how you will make decisions.

It involves identifying a need or problem in the market and providing a solution rather than just coming up with something entirely different or unusual. Begin by hearing other people’s frustrations as well as your own (from friends, neighbours, relatives, and associates). So whether you’re an established company owner or just starting out, keep in mind that having a solid and creative business idea could be the key to realizing your entrepreneurial goals.

2. Are you passionate about your new business?

If you plan to spend the next year working toward making your business idea a reality, then having a strong sense of passion for it is imperative. Your dedication to your company will come through in everything you do, from creating your product or service to successfully networking to interacting with clients.

Your excitement spreads and draws those who share your vision and are also passionate. It also helps you to withstand the storms of entrepreneurship, since your enthusiasm gives you the fortitude to keep going when things become hard.

3. Who is your target market and who are your competitors?

Everything else is tenfold easier when you know who you will sell to. You can determine the location preferences, likes, dislikes, and even whether the product you want to offer will fall within their budget once you have a better understanding of the people you want to contact.

In addition, you will be able to identify potential rival businesses that are vying for the same consumer base as you in your industry and in the market space you have targeted. This is important because, without a knowledge of your competitors’ identities and tactics, you won’t be able to stay in business for very long.

Finding out how your rivals have positioned themselves, recognizing their pricing and marketing tactics, and assessing their advantages and disadvantages are all part of the competition analysis process. Communicating your unique selling proposition to your target market is all that remains after you have gathered all the necessary data. No matter how fierce the competition, if you can pull this off well, you will dominate.

4. What is your business plan?

The specifics of your company, such as its organizational structure, the goods or services you’ll offer, and your marketing strategy, are outlined in your business plan. Before launching a firm, drafting a business plan will assist you in identifying potential obstacles.

  • An important component of any new company is its name. It establishes the name you will use for it in formal documents and while making presentations to an investor. It is recommended that you create your name while writing your business plan, as it will influence your services.
  • The limited liability company, corporation, partnership, and sole proprietorship are the most prevalent forms of business structures. You have to decide which business is best for you when you’re just starting out, as this influences your tax obligations. Incorpuk can walk you through the various business structures and also get your business registered.

5. What are your funding and budget options?

Although these may not be the most glamorous parts of becoming an entrepreneur, finance and budgeting are the foundation that keeps your goals and desires alive.


When launching a new business, one of the most crucial things to think about is estimating your start-up costs. You must determine the whole cost necessary for starting and operating a profitable business. Should you decide to open a manufacturing facility, you may have to pay hefty startup expenses.

Expenses could include the price of the land or building, plant setup, purchasing machinery and equipment, making investments in furnishings and office supplies, and a host of other items.

However, If you intend to start up a retail shop, you will also need to consider the cost of the furnishings needed to furnish it but on a lesser budget. Since all you might need to spend on is furniture and office supplies, starting an office can be done for comparatively less money.

Consider creating a budget as your financial roadmap. You will see your income, expenses, and general financial situation by making a budget. This enables you to decide with knowledge and modify your tactics as necessary. Also, you can spot educational hazards and take preventative action to lessen them by taking the time to estimate your income and expenses.


Without money, no business in the world will be able to operate. You have to be able to determine the kind of capital required to launch your business based on the kind of venture you are embarking on and the upfront expenses you will have to cover. When launching a business, one of the most crucial things to think about is the financial pattern.

Your funding for your capital could be a loan or your savings. Long-term or short-term loans are two ways that money can be borrowed for commercial purposes.

However, you might need to be aware of the terms and conditions associated with taking loans, such as the interest rate, and the terms of repayment. To determine the loan offer, contact a few banks and private lenders, request quotes, and compare them.

Note that if you need to buy any fixed assets at all, it would be best to stick with long-term loans. However, it would be best to get short-term loan if your business model does not require fixed assets. In this manner, once your firm picks up steam, you can start making the loan repayment.

6. Have you identified your overheads?

It is very important for startups to closely monitor overhead costs in the current difficult economic situation.

The constant costs of operating a business, such as rent, utilities, payroll, and business insurance, that are not directly related to the creation of goods or services are referred to as overheads. Taking this crucial element into account will be what increases their chances of surviving during difficult times.

By looking at overheads, companies can find areas where they can cut expenses or see whether there are more affordable options available without sacrificing the quality of their goods or services. This way, businesses can increase their resilience in an unpredictable economic environment by keeping a smaller operational cost, improving cash flow, and enhancing overall financial stability through proactive overhead management.

The completion of legal paperwork is the next item that must be taken into account and the first thing to do is register your business.

From there, you’ll most likely need:

  • Companies House registration document which is based on which company structure you decided on in your business plan. (Incorpuk can help)
  • Governing Documents
  • Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement
  • Nondisclosure Agreements
  • Shareholder Agreements and Buy-Sell Clauses
  • Employee Contracts

Do you need help forming your company in the UK?

At Incorpuk, we will help you through the company formation process, and file your confirmation statements to help your business stay compliant. Whether you're a UK resident or a non-UK resident, our team is ready to provide guidance and help you establish your company in the UK. Contact us here today.

8. Identify Location for Your Business

Finding the right location is one of the most crucial requirements for starting a business. If the business is retail, you will need to locate it in a densely populated, easily accessible region.

If it’s a manufacturing facility, you can pick a site where you can cut costs on transportation, taxes, water, and electricity. Choose a location where locating raw supplies and labour are simple processes. You may even seek a place where you can receive government incentives and refunds.

You might need to hunt for a single spot where all of your rivals are if your business offers a specialized good or service. For example, if you want to start a software company, you might need to locate the software belt—the area where all other software companies have established their businesses.

Similarly, a gold mart that has hosted numerous similar stores would be the perfect location for a gold dealer or jeweller. Verify if the location offers room for expansion and fits well within your budget. The finest potential compliment to your business would be the location you choose.

9. Hire the Right and Skilled Staff

Your employees have the power to build or break your company. No company can ever be successful without effective labour. To find the best candidates for your vacancies, you can employ a recruitment agency or a variety of recruitment techniques.

Additionally, there are lots of websites that make it simple to locate the precise type of person you’re looking for. Enrolling in a few of them can make your work easier and more affordable.

In addition to selecting the appropriate employees, you also need to consider their training. By doing this, you can be confident that your employees will be more equipped to manage their tasks and live up to the standards you have established for them. To maintain their motivation at work, you will also need to consider paying the required salaries and benefits.

10. Invest in Technology for Your Business

One thing you should never cut back on when launching a new business in the modern world is technology. Make sure whatever you buy will benefit your company over the long term, whether it’s office supplies, machinery, or the software needed to keep an eye on things.

Getting a website is a wise move. Your company’s website may serve as its public face. Your business will probably be impacted by your choice of small business website builder, so make your decision early. An e-commerce website is another option. During lockdown, online retail had an unprecedented rise in popularity, leading many companies to open e-commerce sites.


It’s critical to take a variety of aspects into account when selecting a startup idea, from market potential to personal passion. Additionally, it’s critical to be aware of your advantages and disadvantages and to confirm that your proposal is consistent with your principles and aspirations. Anyone wishing to launch their own business can use the 10 criteria covered in this article as a guide. You may provide yourself the best chance of success by taking the time to thoroughly analyze each of these elements. After deciding on your firm’s name, structure, and location, Incorpuk may assist with the drafting of your business plan and other company paperwork, freeing up your time to set up other aspects of your company.