How to Start Your T-shirt Business: 2024 Guide

How to Start Your T-shirt Business: 2024 Guide

If you are looking forward to starting a successful t-shirt business in 2024, then there are some crucial steps and strategies you must follow to achieve a good result. From thorough market research, product niche down, and selection of a suitable printing to validating your design ideas and marketing, there is quite a lot to be done.

Whether you have the technical skills to start or you are new to design, you can always explore this business type. This article therefore provides all the guidelines that will help you kick-start your t-shirt business in 2024.

Steps to Starting Your T-shirt Business in 2024

Below are the crucial steps to take when starting your T-shirt business

1. Do a market research

Before diving into any other step, doing proper market research is important as it helps you understand the market trends, have a clue of how the business works, helps you know your competitors, the best-performing designs and materials in the market and so on.

With the use of tools like Google Trends, you would be able to identify the keywords that are mostly searched by people. By checking through social media handles like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest, you will also be able to observe the most popular and favoured designs.

2. Select a niche

Once you are done with the market research, now is the time to niche down and identify your target audience. As a new start-up, you wouldn’t want to produce generic products but should be focused on serving specific types of people with the same needs.

There are several niches you could focus on. Do you want your brand to cater for only dads, or only to professionals or entrepreneurs? Do you also want to focus on those in the medical field or do you want to sell t-shirts that will be suitable for only newborn babies and so on?

While you can select a niche based on your interest, passion and likes, it is important to further do research regarding the demand rate for the niche type before settling for a suitable one. Apart from that you would want to gather more information like age, occupation, interest, location etc about your target audience as this would be important when you start marketing.

3. Source for Materials

Now is the time to start sourcing the fabric materials you want to sell. You must choose a good quality material that will represent your brand well. As such, you would need to look at sourcing for suppliers that will provide you with the best. Moreover, the quality of your t-shirts would determine your ability to retain customers. Selecting a good quality material entails checking through factors like materials, softness, weight etc. Once you can get suitable fabric materials, you should get some pieces first for testing.

4. Choose a printing method

The next step would be to decide on a printing method to choose. While so many new business owners use printing company services, there are also several start-ups that invest in printing equipment right from day one. Screen printing, heat transfers, direct to garment are the main 3 types of printing methods and each offers unique features and advantages.

With screen printing, you can print on a large number of t-shirts at a go, so it’s very suitable if you have plenty of orders. Apart from that, it is the most popular and offers long-lasting prints but cannot print complex designs with many colours.

Heat transfer on the other hand can print with many colours, they are generally easy to use but might not offer a long-lasting print like screen printing. Direct-to-garment printing is more affordable than screen printing, suitable for colourful prints, and can be used for huge orders but might take more time when printing.

5. Create designs for your T-shirts

Creating unique designs for your T Shirt brand will be the next step. This should be in congruence with the niche that you choose. It is also important you create your designs from scratch rather than plagiarising other people's work. However, it is also necessary to check out the popular and trending designs within your niche before creating your design. Using platforms like Redbubble, Google Trends etc would help you with that.

If you are very good with graphic design software, then you can create your t-shirt design yourself and if not hiring a designer would be best. T-shirt design platforms like dribble would enable you to easily get an expert for the job. You can also maximise the use of freelance platforms like Upwork, and Fiverr. Creating a high-quality and professional design is crucial, so be sure to scrutinise well when employing the service of a designer.

6. Produce mockups for your T-shirts

Mock-ups give you and your customer a clue of what the design created would appear like when it's printed on a shirt. With some available software applications and templates, you would be able to test the design on different colours of shirts and make adjustments as necessary. Apart from that you could make the print on an actual t-shirt to see what the design looks like on the shirt.

7. Validate the designs

Apart from having to print your design on a shirt and using mock-up software, you should also validate your designs from friends and families and a small population from your target audience. They should review the design, comment and give adequate feedback as necessary. This would help you gauge the likely demand rate of your t-shirts and how much they will be favoured by your audience. You could maximise the use of social media too for validation, however, you should watermark your designs before posting them. If you get positive responses from people, you can start proposing your offer to them.

8. Register your business

Registration of your business can come up at any point in your start-up. But you should understand the basic things about the t-shirt business and how you wish to scale through the beginning steps and processes before moving on to register the business. If you would be starting the business as a limited company or corporation, then you would need to register the business with the Companies House. However, as a sole proprietorship, you would only need to register with HMRC for tax purposes.

9. Set up your Store

Once every other step has been achieved, it is time to set up your store. Your store basically would be a platform where customers could view your designs and shirts, have a glance at what your business looks like, make an order for your product and make payment. As such it must be properly organised, set up and attractive. You would also need to create a unique logo that will be displayed on your store and social media handles.

While you can decide to open an e-commerce store with platforms like Etsy and Shopify, you can also build a business website that will serve as your store. Either way, you would need to include the necessary e-commerce plugins, list your products, determine your price, shipping options etc. It is important that you use only high-quality images, use targeted keywords in your product description and include appropriate product titles and details when listing your product.

10. Set your pricing

Setting the price for your product is another aspect you need to figure out. As a new start-up, your product price must flow with the existing competition and at the same time yield profit for you. You would want to collate what your cost per t-shirt produced is and then add your profit margin. Your prices could also come up and go down once in a while depending on factors like buying trends, demand rate, design scarcity, inflation and so on.

11. Design a marketing strategy

Beyond setting up your store, marketing is crucial if you wish to make enough profits. There are a lot of ways you can advertise your product to the public, but be sure to reach your target audience who would need the niched t-shirts. With the use of social media handles, email marketing, and inorganic ads, you will be able to sell your product. Partnering with influencers who could advertise your products on your behalf could also be a great deal.

Things to Consider When Starting Your T-shirt Business in 2024

Below are some of the factors to consider when starting your t-shirt business.

1. Printing method

The printing method is one factor you would want to figure out when starting your T-shirt business. As earlier mentioned, there are 3 types of printing methods with their unique properties and benefits. While screen printing could be suitable for bulk orders, it might be expensive to invest in it as a new business owner. So depending on your start-up cost, the type of prints you want and your start-up business scale etc, you should select the most suitable printing method for your business.

2. T-shirt Quality

Another factor to look out for is the fabric quality. Your ability to offer high-quality materials would influence your selling power. When we talk about fabric quality,  you would need to check the durability, weight, texture, overall material composition etc of the fabric. High-quality fabric material helps enhance the overall look of the design and most times does not wear and tear even after washing for a long time. This alone could give your brand positive reviews and help build a strong reputation within a short time.

3. Design

As a new start-up, creating poorly designed or plagiarised designs could ruin the business. So it’s essential that you hire a graphic designer who would develop the best design for your brand. This design usually does not have to be complex but it should be simple and resonate well with the target audience. Also, it should be attractive enough to drive more sales for the brand. While there is no one way to choose the best, taking note of the trends and the popular designs could help a lot.

4. Inventory

Keeping effective inventory for your t-shirt brand is key to the business success. As such you must be able to adequately keep inventory in order to meet up with the demands of the audience without overstocking. Since you can always make the prints on shirts whenever orders are made, you won’t most likely have to bother about designs that go out of trend.

5. Branding

Beyond ensuring your fabric is of high quality and has a suitable design, it is also important that you brand your t-shirt business. This involves having a unique business logo that suits your business line, creating and building a business voice and identity, establishing a unique selling point and staying active amid several crowds. Apart from that you should be able to communicate your business ethics and style to your audience and ensure you are visible across several digital platforms.

Form Your Company with Incorpuk Today

At Incorpuk, we will help you through the company formation process and file your confirmation statements to help your business stay compliant. Whether you're a UK resident or a non-UK resident, our team is ready to provide guidance and help you establish your company in the UK. Contact us here today.


Starting a profitable t-shirt business involves taking into consideration your target audience, product quality and uniqueness, marketing strategies and so on. The importance of the printing methods, type of fabrics, design trends and many more cannot be underestimated when building your t-shirt brand. Do you have any questions about how to start your T-shirt business in 2024? Kindly contact one of our experts here for help.